A Therapeutic Dose: Warm Feelings® uses a therapeutic dose of saffron clinically shown to support mood. With 150mg of saffron per serving, this dose is backed by Western Medicine along with Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda.
Optimal Absorption: Warm Feelings seamlessly integrates saffron with organic coconut milk powder, recognized for its creaminess and rich MCT content. This bioavailable blend allows for optimal absorption.
Fast Acting: 63% of customers reported feeling a positive shift in their mood within 1 hour of consuming our Warm Feelings latte. Other near-term benefits include a reduction in inflammation, irritability, headaches, and cravings.
Cumulative Results: Take long-term to experience the full potential of benefits including a stable mood, heightened focus, optimal digestion, healthy liver, lowered risk of cardiovascular events, enhanced memory, and reduced inflammation.