A natural aphrodisiac—that actually works! Toss your synthetic blue pills and swap them for an all-natural alternative: saffron.
For centuries, saffron has been revered not only as a culinary treasure but also as a potent remedy for various ailments, including sexual dysfunction. In fact, Cleopatra was said to bathe in saffron-infused milk to enhance her allure and seduction. The Greeks would sprinkle saffron on marriage beds and in banquet dishes to boost passion.
Now, modern science is validating what traditional medicine has long known—saffron can significantly enhance libido and sexual function in both men and women.
Saffron for Women’s Libido
Antidepressants often reduce libido and sexual response. A groundbreaking study on women taking Prozac found that daily saffron supplementation significantly improved arousal, lubrication, and overall sexual satisfaction, as measured by the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). This suggests saffron may naturally counteract antidepressant-induced sexual dysfunction.
Saffron for Men’s Libido
Good news for men! A study found that taking 200mg of saffron daily for 10 days significantly improved erectile function by increasing blood flow and erection frequency. The key compound, crocetin, boosts nitric oxide, which dilates blood vessels for better circulation.
Saffron’s Role in Male Fertility
Saffron’s potent antioxidant properties play a crucial role in protecting sperm cells from oxidative damage. In one study, a group of infertile men took 50mg of saffron three times per week. The results showed a significant reduction in damaged sperm cells and an increase in their motility, or ability to move efficiently. While saffron did not increase the overall sperm count, it dramatically improved sperm quality. Given that all men naturally have some damaged sperm, these findings suggest that saffron could enhance male fertility by improving the integrity of existing sperm cells.
Saffron in Clinical Practice: Real-World Results
“I regularly use saffron in my practice to treat a number of sexual health conditions including ED, as well as dyspareunia (painful intercourse) and anorgasmia (inability to orgasm) in women. I’m happy to say that I, too, have seen the positive results firsthand. It seems adding spice to one’s sex life isn’t just a metaphor anymore.” — Dr. Habib Sadeghi
With saffron’s wide-ranging benefits for both men and women, saffron is emerging as one of the most promising natural solutions for sexual health.
Your Saffron RX
A daily dose of 30mg of saffron all that is required to see an uptake in sexual desire and performance. For those that prefer a supplement, our Kinder Thoughts® saffron capsules provide the clinically studied dose and can easily be taken daily. Another option is to swap your morning and afternoon coffee for our Warm Feelings® saffron latte that helps with libido and also boosts overall mood and wellbeing.
Shop our Happy Habits Bundle, featuring our 30-day supply of Warm Feelings® saffron latte and Kinder Thoughts® saffron capsules. Get 5% off when you bundle, plus an extra 10% off when you subscribe—and get free expedited shipping!